Hefeng Partnerships and Project


Tencent+Hefeng "Art In Action"

[Art In Action] is a charity project launched in November 2017 for art education for rural children. Tencent collaborate Beijing Hefeng Art Foundation propose and established the Adolescents Art Inspiration Platform, polymerize the power of art organization and artist, take full advantage of internet technology and platform promoting the popularization of arts education in urban and rural areas. The first step of "Art In Action", will be use Xiongan New Area as a pilot area, collaborate Tencent Classroom and other online education products, grind online + offline new mode of art education,creating a role model for arts education,and progressively rolled out; When the paradigm is matured, will through the public welfare platform, the public and caring organizations will be pulled to pay attention to and participate in art education, extending the Xiongan model to the whole country.


The Hong Kong Jockey Club - Hefeng

In order to help the revitalization of rural art education, improve the level of art education in rural schools, and further optimize the resources of rural art education, with the financial support of the The Hong Kong Jockey Club (The "Beijing Clubhouse"), Hefeng has carried out a public welfare project of art education in Xiongan New District.