
Council Members

In 2013,Mr. Li Feng founded the Beijing Hefeng Art Foundation with a group of people who love arts and are passionate about public service. Believed in "Art is the Foundation, and with the mission of art education, art popularization and art promotion, Hefeng started to provide art education for children in rural China.


Hefeng Artists

The ongoing effort to art education,promotion and popularization cannot be separated from the support of artists. the Hefeng Artists volunteered to go to the countryside and participate in various performance and activities for children, hope art can nourish children's hearts, approach the public, and make art more grounded, and truly integrate into people's lives.


Hefeng Team

The management team is the core of Foundation operation.It is selected and appointed by the Board of Directors and is responsible for developing and implementing the specific plans and projects, as well as managing various businesses and resources of the Foundation.The management team consists of the Secretary General, the Deputy Secretary General for Operations, the Deputy Secretary General for Administration, the Director of Development and the Director of Finance, the Director of Fundraising, and the Director of Marketing.There are also professional advisors in the fields of arts, education and mass communication who volunteered to be the complement of the team.